
Worship is at the heart of our life together as a faith community. In worship we are encountered by the living God who meets us in Word and Sacrament. We are transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ, whose life, death and resurrection strengthen us in faith and hope. From worship we are sent out into our daily lives, empowered by the Holy Spirit to share God's gift of love with all.
Both the 8:30 and 10am services include Lutheran Liturgy and Holy Communion. The 8:30am gathering is a quieter service in a more intimate setting of Augustana Chapel, with liturgies both spoken and sung, supported by our organist. The 10am gathering features a fuller liturgy in the Immanuel Sanctuary. A variety of sacred music is supported by our cantor, our choir, and our organist as well as various soloists and ensembles. The 10am service is livestreamed. There is coffee hour between and following the services.
Sunday Mornings Summer Hours: 8:15am in Augustana, 9:30am in Immanuel Sanctuary with livestream
Volunteering: If you would like to participate in the Sunday Worship Service, please sign up here.
Note for families: There are activity bags and children’s bulletins available during worship. Children are also invited to partake in Holy Communion as a sign of God’s grace. As they grow older, they will be taught about the meaning and significance of this Sacrament in age-appropriate classes.
KC Celebration Sunday

Quarterly, large gatherings, where we have lunch and activities in the Fellowship Hall following the second worship service. Watch the calendar for upcoming dates.
Kids’ Church

Kids’ Church is a gathering and educational time for elementary-aged youth during the 10am Sunday worship service (Kids’ Church begins February 2, 2025 and follows the school calendar). An adult leader will lead the children to the Thomas Chapel for a 25-minute session of discussing the scripture verses through activities, song and prayer.
To listen to video recordings of recent sermons, visit the video section of our YouTube page.
Other Worship Opportunities
Check the church calendar for other worship opportunities such as Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, etc.

Our church is located downtown in the historic district. We have several spaces, including handicapped spots, behind the administration building, on-street parking, and in the St. Luke’s Cystic Fibrosis Center at 608 and 610 Hays Street (Sundays only). We also have permission to park in the Marcus Law Building lot on 733 N 7th Street (Sundays only).

Music is an integral part of our Lutheran liturgical services and we draw on a rich history of hymns and choral pieces to enhance worship.
CHOIR: Joining the Immanuel Lutheran Choir can be fulfilling and enriching, regardless of prior choir experience. It offers a supportive community, personal growth opportunities, and a chance to express oneself through music and faith. Those ages teen and up are welcome in our adult choir.
INSTRUMENTS: If you play an instrument, you are always welcome to lend your musical gifts to worship through an offering or prelude piece. During certain times of the year (like Christmas) we have a hand bell choir as well.
Join us as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord! (Psalm 98:4)
Worship Outreach
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are those who bring Holy Communion to homebound members, those residing in care facilities, and/or the hospitalized. Before they begin this ministry they are trained by the pastor and given a portable communion kit which is replenished with the consecrated elements of wafers and wine from the Sunday worship service. Typically each minister has a relationship with one member whom they visit every 4-6 weeks at a mutually agreed date and time. Please contact our pastor at or 208-344-3011 for more information or if you'd like to be trained as a Eucharist Minister.
Worship Outreach
Prayer Chain
Several years ago, Immanuel started a prayer ministry. We pray for individuals who are ill, on hospice, who had an accident, a death, a wedding, or a birth. We have adopted a confidentiality statement for our prayer chain members and their family.
If you would like to get involved with this ministry or have a prayer need, please contact our pastor at or Holly Reynolds at . There are also prayer request cards available in the pews, which can to placed in the offering plate.
The Lord is near; have no anxiety, but in everything made your requests known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving.—Philippians 4:6
Worship Outreach
First Time Visitor / General Information
Thinking of attending a worship service at Immanuel Lutheran Church, but not sure what to expect? We realize that visiting a new church can be a little intimidating, so we'd like to answer some common questions.
What kind of a church is Immanuel Lutheran?
The kind of church that loves all people with God's sacrificial, Christ-centered, other-centered love.
What should I wear?
Join us in whatever makes you feel comfortable. What matters is that you are here!
What denomination is Immanuel Lutheran Church affiliated with?
We are affiliated with the ELCA.
How do I get to Immanuel Lutheran Church?
Immanuel Lutheran is located at 707 W Fort, Boise, Idaho 83702 [map/directions]
What time should I arrive?
There is one worship time noted at the bottom of the page. Please come early and join in the many conversations taking place!
Additional notes for visiting Immanuel Lutheran Church

Parking Our church is located downtown in the historic district. We have several spaces, including handicapped spots, behind the administration building, on-street parking, and in the St. Luke’s Cystic Fibrosis Center at 608 and 610 Hays Street (Sundays only). We also have permission to park in the Marcus Law Building lot on 733 N 7th Street (Sundays only).
Our early service is held in Augustana Chapel and is not handicapped accessible. Worship services held in Immanuel Sanctuary are on the ground level and are handicapped accessible. There is an elevator to get to the Lower Level (Fellowship Hall, kitchen and classrooms) of the main building.
Children and their families are vital to our life and ministry at Immanuel Lutheran. Children are always welcome in worship. In the cry of a baby, or the fussiness of a toddler, we hear a new voice that speaks to God, reminding us that children are a blessing and a joy. Activity bags and children’s bulletins are available -- ask an usher. There are also Prayer Grounds (kid-sized tables with crayons, paper, etc) in the middle right section of the Sanctuary and in the Narthex. There is an unattended nursery on the lower level (with livestream of the 10am worship service) with changing tables. See below for information on Kids’ Church.
As you walk through the gathering space and toward the sanctuary, ushers will greet you and offer you a copy of the day's bulletin. The bulletin contains the order of the service, which includes the parts of the service, hymn numbers, and parts spoken by the congregation as part of worship.
Restrooms are located near the Thomas Chapel near the back door and on the Lower Level.
Members and visitors may sit anywhere they prefer. Worship is conducted similar to most mainline Christian churches. There will be some music, some singing, some readings, and a sermon/message. At times the congregation is asked to stand, but individuals may continue sitting if they prefer. Hymns are listed in the bulletin .
components of a typical worship service:
- Prelude: During this time music is played, which allows individuals to prepare themselves mentally and spiritually for worship.
- Singing: We have both the congregation and the choir sing at different points in our service. Enjoy the many instruments and the variety of old and new songs during worship. We pride ourselves in the talents of our organist and pianist who help to reinforce God’s message.
- Readings: Readings from scripture are read by a member. Sometimes "call and response" readings are used (a reader and the congregation take turns reading or singing scripture) during this time. One passage is always from the Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). The passages are selected from the church year calendar.
- Kids’ Church: After the prayer of the day, an adult leader will lead the elementary-aged children to the Thomas Chapel for a 25-minute session of discussing the scripture verses through activities, song and prayer. The children will return during the offering.
- Sermon: The pastor, or sometimes a designated person, reflects on the scripture readings to help us understand and relate the messages to our daily lives.
- Offering: We glorify God in our giving. Our offering is an act of worship that makes ministry possible. This offering at the service will help support Immanuel Lutheran Church and its outreach ministries. A portion also goes to our national church body for mission and ministry around the world. Offering boxes are situated at the entrances to the sanctuary to receive freewill offerings.
- Communion: Immanuel Lutheran celebrates the Sacrament of Holy Communion at every Sunday worship service, as well as on major church festivals (holidays). In the words of Martin Luther, all who are present at this meal of God's people, who believe the words "given for you" and "shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins" are welcome to Christ's table. Immanuel sets no age or denominational / doctrinal restrictions on who may receive Holy Communion. Both wheat and gluten free bread are distributed in the Sacrament, as well as wine and juice. Please tell your server of your needs. Worshipers who do not wish to receive Holy Communion may come forward for a blessing, indicating this by crossing arms across chest.
- Closing Hymn and Benediction: A hymn is chosen to uplift people and prepare them to reenter the world. The benediction marks the end of worship with words that remind us of the day's scriptures and links them to what we can do as we go out.
- Fellowship: Once worship is over, individuals may leave if they want, but many choose to stay in the gathering space where refreshments are served and people can get to know each other. Visitors are especially encouraged to join us to talk and ask questions.
Additional note
Considering arranging a Baptism, wedding or funeral at Immanuel? Please contact our pastor to discuss further.